Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It seems that I need to instruct the Bible classes, not use the DVD’s. Nothing like a challenge to keep one busy! Raha explained that the DVD instruction method would be too foreign for them to process, they need someone to share face to face. ( so thankful to know that in advance).
Now preparing lessons and instructions, and  also student outlines in Swahili. The DVD course is still integral to the success of this venture. To make outlines, I just need to follow the English outline and find the corresponding Swahili text, copy and paste! Easy ........... I hope !
The exams and corrections are all there, and instruction is simplified, so we’re still on track. Just takes more prep work than I thought.

Tomorrow is the planned meet & greet for the class. I am told to expect more than 20 men and women. Pray for them! :) and me too! Just had my lunch. It was so good, wish you could all join me. I had potatoes, rice with carrots, a stir fry, and goat .....yummmm! (Eunice claims that was chicken, so we are having an ongoing dispute.)
It is thundering, raining, and the power keeps going out. In spite of this, the intrepid Canadian keeps sending emails and plugging in chargers! Another week of continual reminders that “that doesn’t work!” and I may remember, but........don’t hold your breath.
Also, we plan to get my computer fixed up for internet.....since the emoticoms don’t seem to copy, I’ll give you the description....... ‘Happy White Smiley Face’
Missing all of your faces, wait a minute, they’re in my suitcase, I will get it out and appreciate God’s abundant gifts to me! (cryptic reference to church photo)

1 comment:

  1. gotta love a challenge eh?! if its any nconsolation I am trying to compare 1st century creco-roman liturature structure to new testament structure...I will pray for you when I come up for air as I am surrounded by a mountain of commentaries and timmies...

