Tuesday, March 28, 2023

a re-post....

I know I have shared this before, but to me it is a motivational declaration. I hope you find it so as well...

The Amsterdam Declaration 2005;

"We pledge ourselves to work so that all persons on earth may have the opportunity to hear the Gospel in the language they understand, near where they live.

We further pledge to establish healthy, reproducing, indigenous churches among every people, in every place, that will seek to bring to spiritual maturity those who respond to the Gospel Message."


a good reminder.....

 How to make a ministry grow....the issue is always, only, fully, clearly, uncompromisingly, and exclusively JESUS! If Jesus is lifted up, then a crowd will gather, that crowd will be converted, those converts will become passionate, that passion will result in creativity, and that creativity will result in a movement of God, because the Holy Spirit delights to work through His people to the glory of Jesus!

(May His name be greatly glorified through Together Building Africa!)