We have returned to our Kinshasa home and Church plant! This is the New Life Church worship team. They do such a great job of leading us in worship!
We are also blessed with dedicated leaders for the children. The kids love Sunday School & Church!
They were dancing to the worship music......there kids got moves!! I tell you....
The climate has challenged our adaptive skills, but we are beginning to live again. LOL.
Thanks for praying as we support the work of New Life Church plant. They have organized a visit to the hospital across the street. Conditions unimaginable to the average North American.
Our Church folk have gathered small things to bring....soap, sugar, tea....to name a few. A large group will be going in next week to give these out and pray for people.
On Sunday, a man came into the church, he said he had been in a serious car accident and thought he might not survive. He has had surgery, is wearing a large cast on his leg and has several bandages.
He said he was sitting outside by the hospital when he heard the music. He got up on his crutches, and hobbled over to New Life. He was so happy to find a church!
He was praising God, and we with him!