Thursday, August 23, 2018

We have just finished a 3-day conference on Leadership.
We were expecting 80 people, but welcomed 110!
God was faithful every day to reveal His presence to us! We felt the weight of His words "I am their God and they shall be my people!"
They were VERY blessed to be served a meal each day of the conference.
They send great thanks & appreciation! I believe it is a physical sign to them that they have a Christian family who care about them and send their love and support!

just adding a photo of that fire:

This week, fire ripped through a section of Bukavu. 500 homes were lost! No lives lost, thankfully!
Apparently, the UN tried to reach them to help, but could not because there are no roads there.
The surrounding homes are thanking God for stopping the fire, as there was no reason for it to stop. It just stopped.
Given the state of the buildings in the area, it really could have been a lot worse!