Who are we....

Together Building Africa 

David Livingston said “Sympathy is no substitute for action”. 
TBA is a registered Canadian Charity focusing on action. 
The people of the Democratic Republic of Congo are some of the most vulnerable and desperate people on the planet. Our mission is to instil a sense of value and dignity, through education and training, strengthening community, and helping to fight poverty. 
God working through us is meeting the physical needs of the people, and bringing hope in the name of Jesus Christ. 


Doreen Lundy

Ron & Elaine Fehr  

Our D.R. Congo Leaders; 
Raha & Mapendo Muzibao

"If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him." — C.T. Studd


  1. As Doreen's husband, I fully endorse her work and having once joined her in the Congo, look forward to again supporting the people in Bukavu by teaching skills in the trades.

    1. that great papa stan hope to see you working in bukav pacifique

  2. J'aime votre blog et ses informations que l’Éternel fasse de votre mission une réussite en son Nom.

  3. I am very proud of my Auntie for her courage and am thankful to the LOrd for allowing this to not only help the people in the Congo but to also help me to reconnect with My Auntie and my Uncle. May her time in the Congo bring much hope. i Hsve faith and am stronger because of my renewed connections with my family through the Lord. Love you Auntie... Lee Anne

  4. It was great meeting you and Pastor Raha tonight at Beausejour Community Church. May the LORD continue to bless the work of your hands in bringing hope to the people in the Congo. -Laura

  5. May our God strengthen you and pastor RAHA and fill you with his grace in this action to evangelize the Congolese people. We are together in prayer

  6. Thank you for the words of encouragement. It is very helpful to have supporters in this great ministry! Some days can be very difficult.
    God bless each one of you!
