Saturday, May 31, 2014

from my window, I watched them dig (by hand) a foundation for a new house. The women carried one heavy bag full of soil at a time to make this large pile that you see. They would hoist each heavy bag up onto their heads, climb up a steep set of stairs, then up to the top of this mound and empty the bag. They would work from early morning, for about 9 hours, with a short 30 minute break for lunch. Instead of complaining, they sing. One day, a man was laughing so hard I went to wee what was going on. He was absolutely squealing and rolling on the ground with laughter! Such happiness in the midst of great trial......I have much to learn......
However, as they dug out the area up to the white plastic fence you see in the background, they weakened the foundation of the large brick fence just behind the while plastic. We experienced heavy rainfall which also washed away needed foundation for the fence. Eventually the fence collapsed onto the roof you see behind it. Imagine the residents' shock to their early morning routines as the earth shook and bricks came crashing through their roof?! Thankfully, there were no injuries. People all around rushed from their homes to offer assistance. It's what you do when there is no '911'.