Friday, March 5, 2021

 When Eric & I were in Bukavu in 2020, God used cell group teaching to launch a number of groups in the city. Since that time, He has used these groups in a powerful way!

A couple of the groups have outgrown the use of individual homes. There is a new location called " Panzi" that is growing very rapidly. Most people are IDP "internally displaced people". The population is in need of many different kinds of assistance.

The gospel is the only answer to their various needs, like a spiritual medicine into their life struggles. Every week, there is prayer ministry, evangelism, counseling, and family visitation to encourage those who are in need.

They requested TBA to come alongside them in their need. TOGETHER (I really like that word) Together with others, we have been able to send a donation that will rent a space for them to gather as a community of believers.

THANK YOU for catching the vision! 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

(sorry for the delay in posting.... My mother died last week. 30 days short of her 100th birthday! God gave her many years of good health and strength)

Just looking at this photo reminds me of the value of the Word of God! You can see the Bible was highly valued by my friend! (he is now with the Word (Jesus) for ever!

May we all 'wear out' our Bibles! Especially in the uncertainty of the days we are facing!