Wednesday, October 13, 2021

as we prepare to return;

From a book by David Shibley.....'A Force in the Earth'.......

A century ago a battered battalion of weary soldiers was being pushed back toward imminent defeat. With men falling on every side, the general ordered the bugler to sound the retreat. But there was no bugler; he had just been killed. Anxiously the general inquired if anyone could blow the bugle. One young recruit responded yes. 

"Well sound the retreat," the general ordered.

"Sir," the new bugler responded, "I don't know how to blow the retreat. I only know how to blow the charge."

"Then blow the charge!"

And with the blowing of the charge, the troops were energized, the tide was turned, and victory rose out of sure defeat.

The Holy Spirit is enlivening the church to produce a force in the earth that does not know how to blow the retreat. While some may think circumstances call for retreat, we only know how to blow the charge. The battle is hot. The global situation is less than favourable. But the Spirit of God is commanding us to advance. Victory is inevitable. 

"For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" Isaiah 11:9

Here am I Lord, send me!