Tuesday, January 21, 2014

And today the forecast is for.....RAIN......still or again?....I am not quite sure.....did it stop?....I can’t recall.....I may have missed that fleeting  moment......

The majority of people travel on foot everywhere, it makes for miserable conditions. Vehicles have trouble navigating through washed out roads and craters of gooey muck.

Leaving the city tomorrow to hold seminar with 60+ men and women, the roads to Mudaka are paved (one of the few), so we should be ok. Unlike the locals, I have not mastered the fine art of walking through sludge and keeping myself pristine! I thought walking was walking, but apparently not! I lack a certain flair! (yes, Mother,....I remember!)

The last time my shoes got entirely caked in muck, I went over to the grassy area to wipe them off. I noticed someone approaching rapidly. As I turned, I noticed she was carrying a machete! Running was one option, but before expending the effort I though I would see......she came over, took my shoe and proceeded to slice the mud off in layers. When she was done, she washed my foot and then repeated the process with the other foot!

Another time, I was sitting in the car after returning to the city. The lady of the house, a friend of the family, came out to chat with me. I mentioned that it was raining where we had come from. She was surprised. She asked for my shoes, and gave me her own (to wear while sitting in the car) while she went into the house to wash mine!

You see what I mean about these wonderful people?

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