Saturday, February 23, 2013


It was an interesting journey with my 9 checked bags! I think I was reading faces correctly, they were thinking....."Someone needs to teach that woman how to pack!!!"
(Is it my fault that others forget to bring their soccer balls???! I'm just sayin'.....)
We arrived in Kigali to a beautiful evening, all my bags arrived also.....brain?........nope! I expect it next week. It usually seems to straggle ............ somewhere over the ocean I think.....that seems to be the location of my last coherent thought! Funny......I'm not missing it!!
Anyway, Pastor Raha met me and by default his brain took over....thankfully!
On Friday, we went to the airport at 4:00 a.m. (I didn't know there WAS a 4:00 a.m.!) We flew to Kamembe and drove to the D.R. Congo border. There were signs of progress everywhere. New construction, and road improvements. Yes, really! They have been quite forward thinking......they are constructing 'speed bumps' through the towns. It creates a better rhythm for the tires as they rock and roll through the eroded pavement and crater sized potholes, now the smoother sections have a little something to offer to the cadence!
Now I am back home in the DRC. Some of my friends came to the border to welcome me, and followed us home where there were more friends. It was WONDERFUL to see them! They sang for me (they know my favorite song) , we prayed together, and then we .......wait........that was just me......ok, so I slept, and I guess they left?.....because later, when I finished what I had been sharing with them, there was no one there!
Today, I'm just.........


  1. OK, so I have a breathing and energetic wife! Amazing how God has so planned it that the "rocks & stones" cry out such messages to us all.

    To serve the Congolese is an honour for both Doreen and I as we live out our golden years.

  2. Glad you made it there safely!! God bless your time there!!

  3. I loved that about our frequent trips to see progress, no matter how slow with the phyical things in the community and especially in the hearts and lives of people!! yeah for home!!
