Saturday, August 24, 2024

Good News!

 An update on what TBA has been doing…. 

We were supporting a church plant in a new area.

It has been growing and doing very well.

Last year, the owner of the land the church is built on, decided to sell the property. That would have meant the loss of the church structure and left no place for the congregation to meet.

But God had a plan. 

A Canadian pastor’s heart was moved by the threat of losing this place of worship. He shared it with the church and they decided to prepay the monthly rent for 28 months in advance to secure the property. 

Bethsiada Church in DRC, chose to use that donation to negotiate the purchase of the land!! Praise God. We and they are so thankful.

However, God’s plans were not yet fulfilled…..another church in this small town turned up at my door with funds to rent the land behind our church…..

Bethsaida Church had already paid a portion of the sale price. The new rent money was enough to secure the property.

God willing, the land will be used to open an ORPHANAGE!!!

There are 4.2 million orphans in D.R. Congo! The UN reports that DRC has the largest number of child soldiers in the world! Imagine! 

We ask God to do what only He can accomplish. We pray that He will enable us to provide basic amenities for widows and orphans.

Please PRAY that He will complete His plans for this great vision! 

All glory to Him who alone is God, our Saviour through Jesus Christ our Lord. All GLORY, MAJESTY, POWER, and AUTHORITY are HIS before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! AMEN.

Jude 1:25

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