Wednesday, February 16, 2022

 Thank you to those of you who have waited patiently for a new word from us!

We are back in Canada and making the difficult adjustment....missing Congo and all those we love, but reunited with our loved ones on this side. It is painful to always miss family on one side or the other, but also a great blessing from God to HAVE loved ones on both sides!

the story I would like to share today is Eric's....

there is a dear lady in Bukavu who lives in severe poverty. She has a huge built-up shoe that assists her walking. However, the shoe is so heavy it limits where she can go and even when. If there has been a strong rainfall, she is limited to areas that are not so slippery. Her home is in a very muddy, steeply hilled area. Her home was also an issue. The roof was not waterproof at all, creating more difficulties for her life. You get the picture.

Missionary Eric, shared the story with his family. Together they decided to intervene on her behalf. 

They had her roof replaced last fall, and she has an appointment for a new shoe, made of lighter materials! The appointment was to take place after our departure, so we will not see a picture for a while.

Thanks to Eric and his family, her life will be so improved by the love they have expressed for her!

Glory to God for these opportunities to show His love and concern for 'the fogotten', and for all of us!

We praise His name!

1 comment:

  1. Josephine is a born christian and committed woman who loves the Lord
    although her physical handicap never limit her for serving the Lord. I notice she is having difficult to walk and comes very late to the church, I did ask her why do you come late these days? she replied 'my shoe is too heavy it makes me tired.
    thank you very much for Eric Chartrand and his family who have been supported this woman of God
