Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Forgive me for the long silence. We have had a few issues with our last distribution. 

All was resolved last week and 1,040 people received one month’s food aid for their families!

We are so thankful to God for making this possible!

Perhaps we will have stories to share in the next few weeks?

For now, here are the photos of people receiving food supplies….

People waiting to take food aid home. You have never met them, and yet it is your provision sitting at their feet, going home to feed their families!

There have been 1,040 people identified for aid. They bring in a small group at a time, the others remain outside the gates. It took two days to distribute everything.

Together Building Africa and all its supporters want to send our deepest appreciation to Pastor Raha, first of all, for his powerful leadership, and all the skills he has to organize something of this magnitude!!
He formed a capable team, located a place for distribution, obtained all the supplies, and had everything guarded safely. Thank you Pastor Raha, may God reward you!
For all the team who worked together to make this happen, TBA sends its thanks and applause for your excellent support. You were being the hands of Jesus to the people He loves! 

Philippians 2:13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire 
           and the power to do what pleases Him.

We send our love, and thanks to our brothers and sisters in the Congo!

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