Friday, August 19, 2016

update on Church Planting......

some people from the immediate area of the church, came to the office to express their disappointment that we have overlooked their need for a church. They say that because our services are in English and French they cannot understand and therefore cannot come.

So. last Sunday was the first day of our experiment. 2 services. The first in Lingala with Swahili translation, and the second in English with French translation. After a month or so we will see what this produces?

Church planting is a lot of work, so I am thankful that we have all of you supporting us and praying for us as we attempt these things for the glory of our Lord!


  1. Sounds like a great thing to try, more languages to reach more people! Praying for you!

  2. ah, as always, Pastor Matt, thank you for your faithful encouragement and support!
