Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Off to Kalehe for the remainder of the week. It is less than 60kms away, so it will only take 3 hours or so driving. We will be holding seminar for 60 pastors, some of whom have walked 3 days to get to us!
I pray that they will be encouraged and strengthened in their honourable work. They are the workers from some of the 'frontline' areas of this planet, where the needs are beyond what we can fathom, security is non-existent, and the risk to just keep on living is substantial! They and their families have suffered significantly, but they keep on offering their lives for the Kingdom!
What a privilege to stand in the same room with them and get to know some of them!
Thanks from the bottom of my heart to those who have helped me to get there and stand with them! And to those who are here with me through your prayers, you are so needed!
They clearly read your love for them through this! They know it is neither easily affordable, nor a simple undertaking to be here.
In addition to teachings, we are able to offer them a full dinner and, in this case, due to the distances travelled, a small breakfast. Additionally, for the ones who have travelled so far, we pay for some kind of safe transport to return to their homes.

And all because you care!!!


  1. So awesome to hear these updates! Praying for you and this time you have to advance God's Kingdom!

  2. Love and prayers for you and the team and all the pastors who take part in this training session.
    Colleen and Jim

  3. Love and prayers for you and the team and all the pastors who take part in this training session.
    Colleen and Jim

  4. Praise the Lord!! Praying for you all...
