Saturday, January 26, 2013

The glasses are here!
The toothbrushes are also here now!
My Rwanda visa is ready to go!
and it is 3 weeks until I leave home.
Plans are in full swing in DRC. They are setting up meeting places in various villages. Visiting those locations to find appropriate buildings and make sure everything is in a state of readiness! It is WONDERFUL to have such a strong TEAM over there, I am extremely thankful for all their hard work!
Sooooo.....why does the 'to do' list keep getting longer instead of shorter?????!!
Life can be so disobliging! :)


  1. I am extremely thankful for all YOUR hard work! The studying and connecting and spreading the word is amazing!! What a privilege to be part of your cheer leading team mom!

  2. Thanks honey :) .........very encouraging! I could use a cheer or two from time to time

  3. keep at it, God does amazing things every itme you step out in obedience! praying for you!!!

    Dan & Jenn
