Saturday, August 24, 2024

Good News!

 An update on what TBA has been doing…. 

We were supporting a church plant in a new area.

It has been growing and doing very well.

Last year, the owner of the land the church is built on, decided to sell the property. That would have meant the loss of the church structure and left no place for the congregation to meet.

But God had a plan. 

A Canadian pastor’s heart was moved by the threat of losing this place of worship. He shared it with the church and they decided to prepay the monthly rent for 28 months in advance to secure the property. 

Bethsiada Church in DRC, chose to use that donation to negotiate the purchase of the land!! Praise God. We and they are so thankful.

However, God’s plans were not yet fulfilled…..another church in this small town turned up at my door with funds to rent the land behind our church…..

Bethsaida Church had already paid a portion of the sale price. The new rent money was enough to secure the property.

God willing, the land will be used to open an ORPHANAGE!!!

There are 4.2 million orphans in D.R. Congo! The UN reports that DRC has the largest number of child soldiers in the world! Imagine! 

We ask God to do what only He can accomplish. We pray that He will enable us to provide basic amenities for widows and orphans.

Please PRAY that He will complete His plans for this great vision! 

All glory to Him who alone is God, our Saviour through Jesus Christ our Lord. All GLORY, MAJESTY, POWER, and AUTHORITY are HIS before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! AMEN.

Jude 1:25

Friday, August 9, 2024

May God's grace be with you all!

Together Building Africa is still at work and going forward as God leads.

Our Tupende Wazee (love our seniors) group are still being fed and celebrating being together, benefitting from encouragement, companionship, and teaching. There is no system in place to support these people, many of whom have experienced great losses. We have seen lives changing dramatically through this program, as they develop a renewal of strength and hope!

UZIMA the sewing project is forging ahead with 9 students. We anticipate their graduation at the end of the year. They are being trained to become tailors. The east Congo has no garment factories, so this provides a marketable skill. UZIMA targets those living in abject poverty.

In addition, we are seeking an effective answer for a few of the 4 million orphans in the country. Pray for us as we seek God's guidance and wisdom.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, when people are suffering and in need, they turn to the churches. Therefore, working through the church promotes trust and protects the culture.

Thank you to all of have remained faithful! We feel blessed by your presence!

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Friday, March 29, 2024

Monday, February 26, 2024

new report

is Church planting effective in communities?

A man gave his testimony last Sunday in Congo. He said that in the past, he was trapped by  drinking a lot. He was living with a woman and they had some children. 

One day he  saw there was a new church in his community. One that he could get to. It was called AMSAR Church. He was warmly welcomed by the people. As he listened to the teachings, he realized that Jesus was the answer to his needs. He rushed forward to the altar to give his life to this Saviour that he had heard about. 

Fast forward to last Sunday....he testifies that he is free from alcohol, he married his partner, and he now teaches Bible Studies!!

When Jesus burst burst out of that tomb, your destiny and mine were4 forever changed. Our chains fell off! Death no longer gets the final word. His resurrection guarantees yours. "Because I live," Jesus promised, "you will live also" (John14:19)

                        Live as if Heaven Matters by David Shibley

I am eternally grateful 💗

Sunday, December 31, 2023


Remember that the gift of Christ, Immanuel, is our greatest treasure, not just at Christmas, but for the whole year through.

We need His presence with us every single day.

We need His wisdom, strength and power to be present in us to make us strong and courageous for the road ahead.

God has promised that He will never leave us, that He will be our Refuge and our Strength, and an ever-present Help in trouble.

Our world desperately needs peace and hope. It can only be found in the Prince of Peace. I pray that God will help us to be generous and kind, and look to the needs of others this year.

Let us pray together that God will strengthen His servants, scattered around the world, to be the hands and feet of Jesus--especially in places where war, violence, famine, and sickness are devastating families and communities.

"all human helpers are channels, but God is the inexhaustible Source." Dr. Chidi Okoroafor

May we make a difference in this world. May we see His goodness this year.

Let's enter 2024 ready to live the life He wants for us!

Happy New Year everyone!

Monday, December 18, 2023

Merry Christmas

 When Jesus was born, the night sky exploded with light as the angels appeared and sang to the shepherds.

33 years later, when He died, the daylight became dark for 3 hours.

“There has just been discovered, a short statement, in the Chinese historical record, that has shocked some people.

It was an eclipse in China on the same day that Jesus was crucified, but was found to be unexpected, and prolonged, and somehow reversed. A usual eclipse is a few minutes long, but this one was for 3 hours, as recorded in the Gospels, and the darkness was extreme.”

Jesus is the LIGHT of the world.

May He shine in your hearts and homes this season!