Great news! We are in the planning stages of expanding our outreach to the west side of Congo, the capitol city of Kinshasa!
We will be initiating a church plant, in addition to the pastor seminars and humanitarian project of the past.
Kinshasa is a immense city sprawled over 9,965 km2 !! It is the home of the embassies and ambassador residences, as well as the leading officials and the president of Congo itself.
However, it is also a city of great extremes. There are homes and properties of great beauty, but the vast majority of the city is impoverished. One wonders how such extremes can co-exist?
There is also a new language for me to process. Lingala replaces Swahili as the language of choice on the west.
That being said, it is the people of Congo who hold my heart, and I look forward to being reunited with them this September! I will be spending 4 months in Congo this trip, and anticipate an adjustment period, as I transition to Kinshasa. I will keep you long as my faux pas can be made public, of course!
My husband will be with me once our house sells. He is planning to teach English, and has a few other ideas to assist the ministry. I will leave that to unfold in the future (I hope....the near future!)