Wednesday, August 15, 2018

A few years ago, I was told by a pastor here in DRC, "A time is coming, when you will live here, and when you do, your heart will break like ours"

Yesterday, we were walking around a village and then sat in the marketplace for an hour or so.

I have found that when I take a photo, all you see is a tiny excerpt of the whole scene. It is so different when it is everywhere you look. Unimaginable poverty, need and suffering!

One house we entered was 10sq.ft (sorry metric speakers!) It housed a woman and her husband and their toddler. Their total belongings were on a small corner shelf. There was no blanket of any kind, just one insulated jacket. In order to sleep, they must hook the table on a wall somewhere? Then bed down on the dirt floor.

In the market for an hour, people in various stages of deprivation stopped to stare, point, laugh (my zoo-like experience). Quite nearby was a lady with an infant (impossible to tell the age....a few months perhaps?). The child has brain damage from starvation.

The sights smells, and sounds, were indeed heart-breaking! It brings to mind the shortest verse in the Bible "Jesus wept". I could feel it!

In spite of all the above, these faith-filled people, live with honour and dignity! For the most part, they respect themselves and others.

I am honoured to be among such courageous and noble people!
What a privilege to be here!

We have some significant opportunities to bring assistance. Please continue to hold us in your prayers. We need guidance, wisdom, and courageous faith!

Monday, August 13, 2018

this is so many places in Kinshasa!

Because of the support you send, we are able to respond to some of these needs, thank you again & again 💝!
I will be posting some of our projects in coming days, as we meet in some of the impoverished communities, to plan an appropriate response. (really tough choices to make......please keep praying for guidance for us?)

I always feel these eyes are looking directly at me.....asking.....waiting