Sunday, September 11, 2016

Karibu (welcome!) to D.R. Congo

I was reading this tonight (instead of sleeping!), and much of what was said was so close to I kept reading and not sleeping.....

'Missions is the same as being in a war. I know. I've fought in both and the similarities are striking. There is not much glorious about warfare. It may look exciting on TV or in the movies, but in the trenches it's a lot of hard work. And the enemy has ambushes everywhere. Often you can't tell the enemy from the friendly. And your friends get injured and killed. It hurts.

Missionaries who think they're going overseas to do a great work for Jesus amuse me. We merely participate in the work God is already doing. Of course, all our friends at home will tell us what a great and wonderful thing we're doing. Then WHAM! We come face-to-face overseas with all our inadequacies and weaknesses. We realize how much we're actually going to have to depend on God to see something accomplished" I guess I am not as weird as I thought ....... well perhaps that is taking it too far! However, I think I can live with maybe now I can sleep?

more jobs for the adventure seekers among us....

You see how high this ladder is? The man using it was painting signs on our church.

Here is what was supporting it and providing.......... stability?

scary stuff!